For everything, turn, turn, turn

There is a season, turn, turn, turn

And as our world has been spinning in this year, one thing has become very clear…being able to transmute your own emotional energy (safely, in your own home) is more important than ever.

I’ve gone down many rabbit holes in my day. Rabbit holes of human design knowledge, rabbit holes of creative self-expression, rabbit holes

But in 2020 I went down a rabbit hole of Emotional Freedom Technique.

And it was f*cking amazing.

From cutting old money stories down at the knees, making enough $ in July that I could coast for a couple months (including an unexpected $500 gift and then getting an actual updated tax form OUT OF NOWHERE in August that gave me an extra $637 back on my taxes!)

To processing past life trauma of being sacrificed - um, literally - that led to me having a block around visibility + recognition (and then blowing up on TikTok a week later with 45k+ views on a single video…)

From doing healing work around childhood dreams of being a famous actress in New York that let me finally come to terms with the fact that my authentic dreams lie elsewhere that led to buying a home in MAINE and leaving NYC (we’re still in the process, but it feels so GOOD to be moving to a new chapter of life + family-making…)

and it feels f*cking fantastic.

But actually, those “results” aren’t even the thing I’m the most jazzed about. The thing that I love (cause I’m kinky like that!) is that now I feel like I tango with the darkness as skillfully as I tangle with positive-intention filled alignment.

I know that I can hold myself through A N Y T H I N G.

I know that I have a tool (and the knowledge of how to use it in a truly embodied way) that can go with me into the most shameful, embarrassing, pathetic, unlovable parts of myself - and I can come out the other side loving who I am EVEN MORE.

It’s f*cking phenomenal.

(Yes, I’m saying fucking a lot - Must be part of all the shadow work I’ve been doing and honestly the vibe of this program!)

I want you to feel this free too.

I want you to know that you can go deep.

That you can transmute whatever triggers you and emerge MORE energized.

Feeling MORE whole, harmonious and radiant than you did before.

(*Okay okay, some things you will either need - or simply desire and delight in receiving! - the help of a professional for. Therapist. Energy Healer. Someone. But I want you to be able to move 85% of what you encounter on your own if you so choose.)

so let’s do it, shall we?

imagine feeling…

Safe, knowing that you can handle whatever life throws at you.

Empowered to heal yourself + past memories whenever you want.

FREER and more FULFILLED in your expression, relationships, and career.

Knowing how to use Emotional Freedom Technique to work with daily triggers and stuck emotions from your past is a game-changer. You can use this for pretty much anything and I highly recommend that you have this tool in your toolkit.

You can sign up now for just $88 and if I ever run the program live again and you want to join our live sessions, I will deduct that $ from the price!

Your Instructor

Kerri Van Kirk
Kerri Van Kirk

Kerri Van Kirk is a creative project coach, healer, poet, writer and founder of The GUMPTION Method. She helps creative spiritual women heal from the patriarchy, self-doubt and inaction so they can plant their artistic and transformational work in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!